Originally shared by Macedonia is Hellas
Denko Maleski, professor at the University Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, FYROM (International Politics and Contemporary Political Systems) and former Minister of foreign affairs of the FYROM :
"The creation of the 'Macedonian' nation, for almost half of a century, was done in a condition of single-party dictatorship. In those times, there was no difference between science and ideology, so the 'Macedonian' historiography, unopposed by anybody, comfortably performed a selection of the historic material from which the 'Macedonian' identity was created.
There is nothing atypical here for the process of the creation of any modern nation, except when falsification from the type of substitution of the word 'Bulgarian' with the word 'Macedonian' were made. We reach towards some fictional ethnic purity which we seek in the depths of the history and we are angry at those which dare to call us Slavs and our language and culture Slavic!? We are angry when they name us what we - if we have to define ourselves in such categories - are, showing that we are people full with complexes which are ashamed for ourselves."
(Utrinski Vesnik newspaper, Skopje, October 16, 2006)
#Macedonia #Hellas #Greece