Thursday, August 6, 2015

An Historical overview of the name dispute between FYROM and Greek Macedonia as well as of the "Greekness" of...

An Historical overview of the name dispute between FYROM and Greek Macedonia as well as of the "Greekness" of Macedonia

It also states in part:

Alexander was as much a Hellene, (meaning Greek), as the southern Hellenes, speaking the same language, worshiping the same gods, uniting the Hellenes against the common enemy, spreading the Hellenic language and civilization throughout his vast empire and leaving nothing but Hellenic footprints everywhere he went in his short life.

Alexander's own words are quoted as: "Men of Athens... Had I not greatly AT HEART the common welfare of GREECE I should not have come to tell you; BUT I AM MYSELF GREEK BY DESCENT, and I would not willingly see Greece exchange freedom for slavery.... If you prosper in this war, forget not to do something for my freedom; consider the risk I have run, out of zeal for the GREEK CAUSE, to acquaint you with what Mardonius intends, and to save you from being surprised by the barbarians. I am ALEXANDER of MACEDON."
[Herodotus, The Histories, 9.45, translated by G.Rawlinson]

"...consider all Hellas your fatherland, as did the founder of your race,..."
[Isokrates, To Philip 127]

Please Support Hellenic / Greek movement for the name "Macedonia"

Please Support this Cause

Please Support my Country Greece

A Greek Macedonian Pleads for the World's help
Please Support Hellenic / Greek movement for the name "Macedonia"

Please Support this Cause

Please Support my Country Greece

A Greek Macedonian Pleads for the World's help

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