Friday, August 14, 2015

The first Foreign Minister of FYROM admits the fabrication of his Country.

Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment

The first Foreign Minister of FYROM admits the fabrication of his Country.

As a Greek Mecedonian I am hurting deeply from the theft of Greek History and Heritage by this hideous fake country FYRUM which misrepresented its name further by short cutting it as MACEDONIA, thereby, stealing from Greece its History and Heritage.

The two videos I found on this subject matter, prove beyond dispute and doubt, the fact that the creators of this Pseudo Macedonia Country knowingly and intentionally fabricated a History in order to steal the name Macedonia and attribute to it the Greek Macedonian History and Heritage.

These two posted videos show their Presidents / High Officials -Prime Minister making public admissions that prove the above.

In addition, another video I post shows the propaganda that is taught to their kids in school in order to make them believe the lies that created their fake country. They actually teach these kids, among other lies, that Alexander the Great was the hero of their own country.

This is a video of the first Foreign Minister of FYROM, Denko Maleski, who admits the fabrication of his Country, by publicly stating that:

 "In the Balkans, if you want to be recognized as a Nation you need to have history 2000 or 3000 years old so ...since you made us invent a history...we invented it. 

He was basically saying that since you required us to have such a history in order to be recognized as a Nation and since we did not have one ...then we went ahead and we invented it...!!! by stealing it from the Greeks

I could not be more happier to find this video and to upload it.

I was born near the Pierian shores of Katerini, Macedonia and I spent my young childhood there. The rest of my childhood was spent in Athens, Greece up until the age of 12 or 13 when we migrated to New York City.

Submitted by a proud and hurt Greek Macedonian

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