Thursday, June 7, 2018

Skopje, Vardarska is celebrating, since 1992, Hellenic history!

Originally shared by Pan Poseidon

Skopje, Vardarska is celebrating, since 1992, Hellenic history! It is imperative that all scholars, politicians, decision makers, students, and intellectual human beings must have this information regarding an artificial state created recently by some “unholy alliance”. All educators, for all young people of this planet, must tell the plain truth in simple words, away from any political expediency, propaganda, and anti-scientific delusion. They have spread lies and disinformation everywhere, to every ignorant of history:

This new state has unlawfully chosen the Greek name “Macedonia” for its nation. It is historically wrong for them to use Greek names and symbols because they have nothing in common with Greeks and their name is Vardarska Banovina. Slavs came in the region of the Balkans in the 6th century AD. Tο 1992 ο πρώτος πρόεδρος των Σκοπίων, Κίρο Γκλιγκόροφ δηλώνει δημόσια ότι η πραγματική ταυτότητα του έθνους του είναι σλαβική. Εμείς ήρθαμε στα βαλκάνια τον 6 αιώνα μ.Χ''

The Anti-Greek Unholy Alliance: on August 15, 1944, the Jewish descent marshal Tito (his true name was Josip Broz) renamed the province of Vardarska Banovina to “Macedonia”, hoping in future territorial claims against Greece. About 60 years later, Matthew Nimetz, demands shamelessly from the Greek governments to recognize this Slavic province with the Greek name “Macedonia”. This artificial nation is constituted by 800,000 Albanians, 500,000 Bulgarians, 100,000 Serbs, 100,000 Gypsies, 250,000 Greeks, and 300,000 Muslims of various nationalities. How can this welter of people call itself “Macedonians”? Over 4.000 years of recorded history:

The Macedon Dynasty, whose member was Alexander the Great, originates in Argos, a city in southern Greece (Peloponnesus). Ancient Macedonians were southern Greeks who moved to northern Greece to enlarge their kingdom. Slavs came in the region of the Balkans in the 6th century AD. They are NOT related to Hellas-Greece and they can not revise history. The ancient Greek history is confirmed by ancient Latin, Chinese, Persian, Egyptian, Indian and Celtic historians!

Hellenic influence can be seen in Macedonia findings at Dion, Pella, Sindos, Vergina, Aiani, and Northern Macedonia (those parts of ancient Macedonia now belonging to Southern Skopje-Vardarska and South-Western Bulgaria). Architecture, sculpture, painting, decoration, artistic forms, city and street planning at these sites are all Greek. The inscriptions and depictions found on ancient Macedonia coins relate exclusively to Hellenic life and art. There are no ancient Greek coins in existence bearing foreign language inscriptions:

Τhe Greeks shared the same language (in an oral and written literature) and they recognized a common heritage ''Hellenes” which they did not share with other men. The non-Greeks were “barbarians”. The achievement and importance of Greece comprehended all sides of life. “The Greeks did more for future civilization than any of their predecessors.” All Europe drew interest in Greece, and through Europe the rest of the world has benefited from what Greeks offered to human civilization. Greece has truly improved mankind.

When the ancient writers were writing about Macedonians that they were speaking “Macedonian”, they were referring to a Greek dialect and not to a non-Greek language. In 1986, it was revealed a detachment of an inscription in Pella written in Macedonian dialect (dated around 380 B.C.). This inscription, as well as others, which have in the mean time been unveiled, confirms without reservation the Greek character of the Macedonian dialect. The area of Skopje in ancient times was called Dardania and not Macedonia.

Κατόπιν των ανωτέρω δεν δικαιολογείται, ούτε επιτρέπεται η υφαρπαγή από τους Σκοπιανούς, ούτε και σαν συνθετικό του Ελληνικού ονόματος «Μακεδονία», για τον κρατικό και εθνικό τους προσδιορισμό. Δεν επιτρέπεται επίσης και η σκόπιμη άγνοια ή παράβλεψη της ιστορικής πραγματικότητας, από τρίτες χώρες, μικρές ή μεγάλες, για εξυπηρέτηση των όποιων συμφερόντων τους. ''Κανένα ψέμα δεν αντέχει στο χρόνο.'' Σοφοκλής

The Greek word Macedonia: the root “Mak” comes from μάκος, the doric-Greek form for μήκος (Attic Greek), meaning “length”. In short, “Makednos” meant a “tall person”. Δεν υπάρχει παρά μια Μακεδονία ξακουστή, των Ελλήνων το καμάρι. Πετώντας λοιπόν μαλακίες, δεν γίνεσαι πιλότος!

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