Saturday, June 30, 2018

Zaev is celebrating for getting from the Greek traitors a fabricated confirmation of a Macedonia language and...

Zaev is celebrating for getting from the Greek traitors a fabricated confirmation of a Macedonia language and identity even though :

1-it is being discredited by facts, law, treaties, documented Historical events and reports, Court decisions and a long list of Scholars and Political figures , ,of Greek and Skopian / Fyromian ethnicity as well as from around the world.

2-the so called "name change agreement" is not a fully valid agreement but a pre-agreement subject to completion of required tasks within a specific period of time, the shortest of which is reported to be 6 months. Only upon such completion the pre - agreement can go through the necessary procedural voting requirement that would make it a complete, valid and enforceable formal agreement

3-the so called "name change agreement" can be deemed legally null and void by all factors that discredit it, as noted above in #1

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